Pink Blings and Things Giveway, See Kate Sew Winner

Jen from Life, Crafts and Whatever contacted me about doing a giveaway for my readers, and I said yes!

She has a super cute store called
and she is offering up a $20 credit to her etsy store.

You can pick a super cute headband for yourself or another adult.

Or a headband for that little sweetheart in your life.

Not into headbands? No worries! I know you've seen those gorgeous rosette necklaces that are oh so popular right now.

Or maybe a brooch for your jacket or tote bag?

Here's how you enter:

1) Required- You must be a follower of
Life, Crafts and Whatever. After all, she is sponsoring this giveaway. (one entry). Come back and tell me that you are (one entry)

2) Head on over to Pink Bling and Things on Etsy, come back and tell me what you'd spend the $20 on (one entry)

3) Repost this giveaway on your blog, twitter, or FB (leave a separate entry for each)

That's it! It's easy peasy. Good luck!
Giveaway will end next Monday and the winner will be announced on Tuesday.
The winner to the See Kate Sew giveaway for two Kissing Hedgehogs is:
#56 - Ninja Design
Please contact me at to claim your prize.
If you didn't win, you can purchase hedgehog patterns, owls and more at See Kate Sew.

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