Do You Believe In Rainbows?

This is exactly how I have been feeling lately. Like there is a darkness and gloom that follows me around and I just can't seem to shake it. I'm not a person that has ever suffered from depression. Sure there have been times in my life, I have felt sad and overwhelmed. I may have even let it get me down now and then. But it never felt quite like this. I'm pretty sure I know the root of my overwhelming sadness in the last few weeks. But, just when I felt ready to give up, things started to change. Of course whenever I feel sorry for myself, I always focus on the positive things in my life, like Nash and Chloe. That usually gets my through any funk I'm in.

However, Saturday was a breakthrough day for me and some very important people in my life. I have suffered losing people in my life where it just couldn't be helped. However, when a relationship is lost with a family member, and it can be helped, it seems senseless and all the more hurtful. Do you have a relative that you no longer speak with? Someone who perhaps you were once close? Do you wish there was some way to move past it, to start over?

I recently mentioned some issues I was I having with a family member. It was not long after that I received a call from her asking to talk. It would be the first talking we did in several years. Not knowing what the conversation would hold, I went in with my guard up and left with walls that had broken down. It wasn't all pretty, but it ended up feeling like we had just moved mountains. I was extremely overjoyed with the outcome and the possibilities for the future.

Just minutes after arriving home, I saw this rainbow out my kitchen window! I instantaneously grabbed my camera to capture the moment. I felt like it was there just for me.

"In the midst of gloom and darkness this rainbow emerged, declaring itself upon my view."-Lil Grace
