It's My Birthday...Crown

Today Is My Birthday!
Today is my birthday! A couple days ago Chloe made this crown for me. She even thought to include little sheets I could tear off each day for a countdown. When she presented it to me, she made it clear that I was to wear it all the time leading up to my birthday...."Even in public," she said. Was she kidding, I thought?

So on Sunday we all had to go out to pick up some supplies for a school project (and my wine ornaments) at Michael's. Being the mom I am, I happily adorned my birthday crown. Let's just say on a Sunday afternoon there were no shortage of shoppers. There were a lot of looks my way, a little girl who pointed and laughed, (no joke), and a past PTA president, with whom I had an entire conversation. I even stopped her to ask if she could take me seriously while I was wearing the crown. At the end of our chat, she tapped me on the arm, looked at me pathetically and said, "You're a good mom." Hmmm, I thought, I guess I am. But, really, I thought, how could anyone not honor a wish like that of their 8 year old daughter? It reminded me to have some childish fun while celebrating my birthday!

On the inside she wrote "If lost return to"....and my phone number.

While at Michael's Nash made a secret purchase for me, asking the store attendants their opinion on his idea. Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it. I already feel like the luckiest person in the world. I have all of life's greatest gifts already.